Video Sharing! Check it Out!

Happy Wednesday! Video sharing! ‘Lost and Found’ performed at our ‘Introspections’ production last March.  Video link:

We are excited to be performing this piece at DancEthos’ concert on April 7 and 8! Come join us!
Get tickets:


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Apple Pie Dance! :D

Happy Friday! Just wanted to share some fun photos from our “Apple Pie” dance with our audience volunteers leaded by GDC Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff from our last performance – ‘Spring in Your Step’ production at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at the Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater.

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Extra! Extra!! Review is Out!!

“It was delightful to see well-crafted, well-trained dancers sharing their spunk, individuality, and creativity with the audience. In all four pieces, the music acted as inspiration for the rhythms and energy of the movements.” – Michelle Hayes
Our ‘Spring in Your Step’ performance at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival  on March 4,  2017 review is out!  Read all about it here: 

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Great pictures from GDC’s ‘Spring in Your Step’ performance!

Just wanted to share some great photos taken by Ruth Judson from our ‘Spring in Your Step’ performance at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at the Atlas Performing Arts Center this past Saturday, March 4 !  Enjoy!!

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GDC’s ‘Spring in Your Step’ at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival

great thanks to the Executive Director of Atlas Performing Arts Center, Doug E. Yeuell and his fabulous team for making our performance so successful!

Saturday, 8:00 pm, March 4, 2017, GDC’s ‘Spring in Your Step’ at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival.  What a night!! We enjoyed so much see so many of our friends and family at our performance tonight!! We were so touched and grateful for you all sharing the evening with us. It means so much to all of us at GDC. Thank YOU!!

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GDC Presents Spring in Your Step at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival

This year we are thrilled to be presenting our full evening production ‘Spring in Your Step’ at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival! For this production, we are excited to be premiering Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff’s newest work ‘Burgundy’ an edgy, electrifying, and energetic dance along with GDC’s critically acclaimed and audience favorite signature pieces ‘Solitaire’ and the vivid and humorous ‘Hello! Goodbye!’  Each piece builds on the premise that by encouraging each of us to see the good in others and to appreciate and connect with each other we form a stronger and better community. There is no better way to greet this spring season with this fun and uplifting performance! Come join us!

  • When:
    March 4, 2017 – 8:00 p.m.
  • Where:
    Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater

    1333 H Street NE
    Washington, DC 20002
  • Tickets:
    Click Here for tickets
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Great Pictures from ‘Introspections’

Just wanted to share some great photos taken by Ruth Judson from our ‘Introspections’ performance at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at the Atlas Performing Arts Center this past Saturday, March 5!  Enjoy!!

'Lost and Found' 'Solitaire' 'Solitaire' 'Motion in String' 'Lost and Found' 'Solitaire' 'Solitaire' 'Lost and Found' 'Lost and Found' 'Solitaire' 'Lost and Found'

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‘Introspections’ at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival

Saturday, 5:00 pm, March 5, 2016, GDC’s ‘Introspections’ at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival.  What a night!! Thank you so much to those who came out last night! We so appreciate you all being there! Truly means so much to all of us at GDC. Feeling so loved.  Also, great thanks to the Executive Director of Atlas Performing Arts Center, Doug E. Yeuell and his fabulous team for making our performance so successful!


My family!!! Thank you so much for always being there for me!! Love you guys so much!!

Gin Dance Company Artists

Here are our incredible artists (visual art artist Teri Ann LaBuwi and dancers)!! Fantastic job last night!! Bravo!!


He is the man! Huge thanks to our Executive Director Gary Cuff for his hard work and support for making it happen.


Great thanks to Ivy as our stage manager for our performance last night!! Job well done!!

'Introspections' 'Introspections' 'Introspections' 'Introspections' 'Introspections' 'Introspections'

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Gin Dance Company Featured at Fox 5 DC with Annie Yu

Last Saturday, February 27, Annie Yu of Fox 5 DC News featured Gin Dance Company live on the Fox 5 morning show.  We did a behind the scenes sneak peak of our upcoming performance on March 5 at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival.  It was such a fun segment!  I also got to teach Annie a little fun purse dance.  Check it  out!! Video:

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Interview with David Siegel DC Metro Theater Arts

“The music led me to create divergent dynamics and connections of the movements along with the relationships between the dancers…”
Check out my interview with David Siegel on Gin Dance Company‘s appearance at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival on March 5!

Join us this Saturday, March 5 at 5 pm!!  You can get tickets here:



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