Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relation between China and the United States and Chinese New Year of the Pig

It was such an honor to be part of this very special celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relation between China and the United States and Chinese New Year of the Pig at the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in the United States today (February 16,2019)!! We got to meet Ambassador Cui Tiankai and take photo with him!! A fun Chinese Cultural Festival, Performance, and banquet!! 🎉🇨🇳🇺🇸 真的好榮幸能在中國駐美大使館慶祝中美建交40週年!和中國駐美大使崔天凯合影😲😲 中國人文化園遊會、演出、和晚宴。Before the show we got to have a pre-show cultural experience.

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