It’s Elizabeth Birthday!!

Fun little birthday celebration for Elizabeth after a great class and rehearsal! 🎉🎉🎂🎂💃🏻💃🏻. Ummmm… Chocolate Dream Cake so Dreamy and so GOOD 😋😋😋

This girl is jumping for joy!!! … because it’s her Birthday TODAY!! Please join us to wish GDC dancer Elizabeth Watson a Happy Happy Birthday!!! 🎉🎂💃❤️  📷: Ruth Judson

Happy Birthday to GDC’s Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff!

Celebrating our Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff’s birthday with a delicious Chocolate Dream Cake, chocolate covered strawberries, and a fun sweaty rehearsal! 😂😂🎂💃🏻💃🏻

Fun BD Celebration!

Fun birthday celebration with a “Sinfully Chocolate Ganache Cake”!!  Love these amazing ladies!!Shu-Chen Cuff

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