‘An Afternoon with Gin’ INTERSECTS DC

March 8, 2014, a very special day for all of us at Gin Dance Company…  We presented ‘An Afternoon With Gin’ at the 2014 Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at the Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater.  We performed a full program including ‘Unchain’, ‘Dear Mr. Cooper’, ‘The Core’, and our newest work ‘The Teller’.  During the performance, we gave away two door prizes.  Big congrats to our winners Jack Grant and Amanda Blythe.

The event was a great success!  There are so many people to recognize & thank for their help in making it all possible…  First, we’d like to express our great appreciation to the event Artistic Director Mary Hall and her team for making the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival such a wonderful experience for us and bringing together artists from around the Metro DC Area.  We’d also like to send a big thank you to our beautiful dancers for their stunning performances, our GDC Board of Directors for their dedication and support, and mostly to our amazing Executive Director Gary Cuff.  Of course, we never forget our awesome fans/audience…  We truly are so thankful for those who came out and shared the afternoon with us!!  You made us feel so special. Thank you!!!  You’re why we do what we do!

The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival The Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival

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Dance! Dance!! Dance!!!

The Teller RehearsalOur tech rehearsal was done this past Tuesday… We started at 6 pm and finished at 10:00 pm.  Just a few final touches and we are good.  We are now back to the studio and continuously polishing our works.  We are so excited and ready for our ‘An Afternoon with Gin’ production at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at  the Atlas Performing Arts Center.  It’s Finally Here!!  Join us this Saturday (March 8, 1pm)!!

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The Teller RehearsalThe Teller Rehearsal The Teller Rehearsal The Teller Rehearsal

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Gin Dance Moves

Wondering what Gin Dance moves I was teaching Fox 5 DC News’ Annie Yu? Come see our ‘An Afternoon with Gin’ performance at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at Atlas Performing Arts Center at 1 pm on March 8 and you will find out! 

Get Tickets: https://atlasarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#details_a0Si00000023ucDEAQShu-Chen Teaching Annie Some Gin Dance Moves

Shu-Chen Teaching Annie Some Gin Dance Moves

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Interview with Fox 5 DC’s Annie Yu

February 25, 2014… This morning we arrived at the Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater at 7:15 am.  We got such a warm welcome from both Mary Hall Surface, Artistic Director of the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival and Renée M. Littleton, Director of Marketing and Public Relations of the Atlas Performing Arts Center.  We were treated to a grand tour of the theater and backstage from Renée.  At 7:45 am, while we were warming up and getting ready in the dark in the audience, we watched Fox 5’s Annie Yu interviewing Furia Flamenca Dance Company on the stage. They did a fantastic job with their beautiful dancing and great interviewing.  Around 8:00 am, we were anxious to get start for our segment with Annie.  Annie came down to the audience and gave us a cheerful greeting… She chatted with us and we went over the agenda for our segment.  At 8:20, we shot our first teaser for the audience.  Jane, Michelle, and I showed a part from ‘The Core’.  Then, we went and changed into ‘The Teller’ costumes for the 2nd teaser at 8:40 a.m.  Therese and I did a short hand moves on the benches.  Then, at 8:50, Annie called us to our places and put our music on stand by.  She then started to count down from a minute to 30 seconds.  Then our interview started… It was a great chat with Annie.  She was so fun and upbeat and made the interview so comfortable.  I even taught her some Gin Dance moves from ‘The Teller’.  She is one fast learner!  Really impressive!  We finished up with a sneak peek of ‘The Teller’.  It truly was such a special experience.  Great thanks to Fox 5’s Annie Yu for spending the morning with us and Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival for your endless support.  We were already so excited for our An Afternoon with Gin performance on March 8  and now we are even more pump up for the show.  We can’t wait!!  
We hope you enjoyed the video and are feeling inspired.  Please come join us at 1 pm on March 8 at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at Atlas Performing Arts Center.  
Atlas INTERSECTIONSShu-Chen Teaching Annie Some Gin Dance Moves Shu-Chen Teaching Annie Some Gin Dance Moves Atlas INTERSECTIONS Atlas INTERSECTIONS Atlas INTERSECTIONS Atlas INTERSECTIONS Atlas INTERSECTIONS
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Watch Us on Fox 5 Morning News!

Hey there.  We’re very excited that Annie Yu of Fox 5 will be featuring Gin Dance Company live on their morning report tomorrow (Tuesday, 2/25). We’ll be doing a behind the scenes sneak peak of our upcoming performance on March 8 at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival. We expect to be on the air live sometime between 8:00 & 9:00 a.m. Be sure to tune in or set your DVR’s!

Also, don’t forget to get your tickets to the performance!
Get tickets:  https://atlasarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#details_a0Si00000023ucDEAQ

Atlas INTERSECTIONS Opening Party

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Atlas INTERSECTIONS Opening Night Party

What a fun party at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Opening Night Party last night!!  With Little Red and the Renegades, a xydeco-steel drum fusion band, performing at  the Kogod Lobby.  It lighted up the party and ran the energy high.  We are so excited for our performance at this fantastic festival which directed by Festival Artistic Director Mary Hall Surface.  Come join Gin Dance Company’s ‘An Afternoon with Gin’ at the Atlas Performing Center at 1 pm on March 8!!

Get Tickets: https://atlasarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#details_a0Si000

Atlas INTERSECTIONS Opening PartyAtlas INTERSECTIONS Opening Party Little Red and the Renegades, a xydeco-steel drum fusion band Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Donors

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Snowed in & Need a Gift for Your Valentine… Don’t Panic!!

Snowed in and forgot to get that special someone a Valentine’s Day gift before the flakes started falling? Gin Dance Company to the rescue! Hurry! Go to http://bit.ly/1ilg5bN and order that special someone tickets to ‘An Afternoon with Gin’ on March 8 at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival… We have a fantastic program for you… They’ll love you forever… 

Enjoy your snow day off… Stay warm and be safe!!

Photo by Ruth Judson

Valentine's Day
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‘The Teller’ Trailer on Youtube!

‘The Teller’
Trailer video is now on Youtube…http://youtu.be/bv6jski56dA  Check it out!!  Make sure to catch the full length of this beautiful work at 1 pm on March 8 at GDC’s ‘An Afternoon with Gin’ at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival at Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater.  Tickets: https://atlasarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#details_a0Si00000023ucDEAQ

'The Teller', photo by Lindsay Benson Garrett

‘The Teller’, photo by Lindsay Benson Garrett

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Party Time at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Artists Receptions!!

It was a great night at the Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Artists Reception last night… We had a wonderful time meeting many other performers who will be performing at the festival from February 23 through March 10!  There was a preview performance from the festival.  We got to see a sneak peek at their work in progress from Furia Flamenca Dance Company.   Estela Velez de Paredez, the Artistic Director/Choreographer, and one of her dancer did a fantastic performance.  We can’t wait for our performance at 1 pm on March 8 at Atlas Performing Arts Center – Lang Theater and many other performances from the festival. Tickets: https://atlasarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#details_a0Si00000023ucDEAQ

Gin Dance Company at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Artists Reception Gin Dance Company at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Artists Reception Gin Dance Company at Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival Artists Reception


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GDC Ringing the New Year!

We are proud to be a featured performer at the 2014 Atlas INTERSECTIONS Festival.  This year, the festival will spotlight more than 800 established and emerging artists in 125 performances of music, dance, theater and spoken word over three weekends, from Feb. 23 to March 10.  GDC will be presenting ‘An Afternoon With Gin’ at 1 pm on Saturday, March 8.  It will be a full afternoon production featuring the Company’s newest works including ‘The Teller’ and ‘UnChain‘ along side award nominated pieces ‘The Core’ and ‘Dear Mr. Cooper’.  It will be a wonderful afternoon of dance.
  • When:
    1:00 pm, March 8, 2014
  • Where:
    Atlas Performing Arts Center – Land Theater
    1333 H Street NE
    Washington, DC  20002
  • Tickets:  Click here

The Teller

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