Let the Celebration Continue!

What a special time of the year! This past Saturday we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between China and the United States and the Lunar New Year of the Pig at the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in the United States. Let the celebration continue and join us THIS Saturday, February 23 at the Atlas Performing Arts Center at 2 pm!! 

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Hot Off the Press!

Check out GDC’s Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff’s interview with Fairfax County Times! http://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/the-goodness-will-keep-going/article_2e897ff2-2c9b-11e9-b072-b7381d0ee39e.html?fbclid=IwAR2YVHK0afMBHATeZ-OoOi35l6oIJiN0xEg0gvSHyyhLcSkqn6LJf2S9iwY

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Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relation between China and the United States and Chinese New Year of the Pig

It was such an honor to be part of this very special celebration of the 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relation between China and the United States and Chinese New Year of the Pig at the Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in the United States today (February 16,2019)!! We got to meet Ambassador Cui Tiankai and take photo with him!! A fun Chinese Cultural Festival, Performance, and banquet!! 🎉🇨🇳🇺🇸 真的好榮幸能在中國駐美大使館慶祝中美建交40週年!和中國駐美大使崔天凯合影😲😲 中國人文化園遊會、演出、和晚宴。Before the show we got to have a pre-show cultural experience.

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We were in China!!

What an incredible afternoon at the Chinese Embassy!! Dress rehearsal, photo shoots, and a little tour in China!! Can’t wait for the performance next Saturday!! 🎉🇨🇳🇺🇸

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Happy Chinese New Year!! 祝大家豬年快樂!!

Happy Chinese New Year!! Wishing everyone a fantastic year of the Pig 祝福大家新年快樂!! 豬年行大運!! 🐷🐖
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Taiwan Just Crossed Over to 2019!!! WooHoo!!

Less than 5 minutes… Taiwan is counting down and getting ready to cross over to 2019!! Wishing our family and friends in Taiwan a joyous, healthy, and successful New Year!! #YearofPig
臺灣即將跨入2019年了! 我們祝福在臺的親朋好友們有個順心如意平安健康的一年。臺灣即將跨入2019年了! 我們祝福在臺的親朋好友們有個順心如意平安健康的一年。豬年行大運 🐷 🎆. 📷: Ruth Judson  


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Check Out GDC Artistic Director Shu-Chen Cuff Featured in the World Journal!

Check out GDC Artistic Director @shuchencuff featured in the World Journal!
https://www.worldjournal.com/5905474/article-(影音)真舞團6日公演-陳淑真舞「200呎」映照來時/?ismobile=true  … and be sure to get your tickets to our performance – ‘The Story of Our Lives’ at the Reston CenterStage on October 6 at 7:30 pm! Get Your Tickets: https://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?orgid=31908&pid=8612956

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See GDC Newest Dancer, Na Dai Perform on October 6!

Meet GDC newest dancer, Na Dai!! She will be performing at our ‘The Story of Our Lives’ full evening length production NEXT Saturday, October 6!! Don’t miss her beautiful dancing at The CenterStage at Reston Community Center!!

Get your tickets: https://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase?orgid=31908&pid=8612956#

📷: Ruth Judson.

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New Working Coming Up This Fall!!

For those who remember and enjoyed our ‘The Teller’ choreographed by Shu-Chen Cuff in 2013 … We’ll be debuting another thought provoking fusion dance, ‘We, The Moon, The Sun’ on October 6 at the CenterStage Reston Community Center! Save the date!!

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Buddha Wisdom

“Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest.” — Buddha “不批評任何事,你將會快樂。原諒每件事,你將會更快樂。愛所有人事物,你將會是最快樂的。 — 佛   #MotivationMonday


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