Who is That?

Look who we found backstage! Von Rothbart from BalletNova Center for Dance’s ‘Swan Lake’!! Opening night Tomorrow!! Come join us!! Get your tickets: https://www.balletnova.org/performances/?p_id=40

‘Simply Bach’ in Spring 2012

#ThrowbackThursday, this picture was taken at the tech rehearsal when Gin Dance Company guest performed ‘Simply Bach’ at BalletNova Center for Dance’s Spring Concert 2012. This Spring we will be returning to the show on May 2, 3, & 4!!  This year, BalletNova’s Artistic Director Nancie Woods will be restating and directing the classical ballet,‘Paquita’ and her original work, ‘Tarantella’.  Choreographer Constance Walsh will also premier her newest work, ‘Sígame’.  It’s a fun, eclectic, and energized program.  We are so very excited!  Come join us!

Get Tickets: http://gindance.org/GinDance/events/

Photo by Ruth Judson

'Simply Bach' Tech Rehearsal

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